Hi there!
Welcome to my home page.
This is an English page to briefly describes about myself and my research for mainly overseas researchers/students.
My name is Ryo Inoue working at Setsunan University, Laboratory of Animal Science as a professor.
I got a PhD at 2004 and then studied at Rowett Research Institute (Gut Immunology Lab) as a visiting scientist for a year.
Rowett Research Institute is at Aberdeen, that is third city of Scotland and is famous at Oil.
Aberdeen is a “handy” city and very easy to access to Highland where many good single malt whiskeys are produced at. AND the landscape, the view of country side is just brilliant. I love this city. The slideshow at my top page are the photos I took in Scotland.
I actually spent one more year from 2011-2012 at Aberdeen with my family as a visiting scientist of the same group with at 2004.
My current research topics are mainly following three,
1. Investigation of porcine colostrum components that transfers to new-born piglets and their role in health of piglets.
2. Development of gut microbiota and its relation to mucosal and systemic immunological disorders.
3. Evaluation of beneficial effects of functional foods, especially probiotics.
For the details of my research, please refer to my publication list (from top menu) or contact me.
My research group is open for highly motivated postdoctoral fellow and Osaka, where my University is located at, is very unique prefecture in Japan and very close to Kyoto, one of the most traditional city in Japan, many world heritages worth to visit! For the first visit to our group, it is good idea to get a fellowship. There are some fellowships for foreign post-doc available in Japan. If you are interested in, just contact me.